I pay for my domain using Paypal or Braintree, but I can’t see any payments made out to Tahometer
Plan pricing and subscription details
Есть ли у вас другие планы кроме доступных на сайте?
Сколько стоит подключение к сервису?
Если я прекращу использование сервиса в течении 30 дней, должен ли я буду что-то платить?
Нужна ли мне кредитная карточка, чтобы зарегистрироваться в сервисе?
Могу ли я перейти на другой тариф в последствии?
I have a Solo plan that should give access to two users, but I am only able to add one user.
We take payments through Paypal or Braintree via our partner, Software Planet Group. For this reason, all payments to Tahometer that are made through these systems will also be sent to Software Planet Group.
Paid subscription plan includes number of active users. Active users are users who can track time. There are 4 types of users: Time reporter, Project reviewer, Company reviewer, Administrator. Only “Time reporter” and “Administrator” can tracking time. “Project reviewer” and “Company reviewer” can only preview the statistics of other users. For example, “Small” subscription plan includes 5 active users. They are 5 users with roles “Time reporter” or “Administrator”, and we can add unlimited number of users with role “Project reviewer” or “Company reviewer”, who can view statistics. Total number of users will be 5 active + number of users who can review statistics , and all of them have the active status.
Yes! Go ahead and contact us at info@tahometer.com and we can put together a comprehensive quote that will fit your company’s needs.
No, there is no setup fee for any of our plans.
No, you can test Tahometer risk-free! If you cancel before your trial expires, you will not incur any fees.
No, you do not need a credit card to sign up. We will only ask for a credit card if you decide to upgrade your free account. In that case, we take Visa, MasterCard and American Express.
Absolutely! You can upgrade or downgrade your plan at any time, with no additional charges.
The administrator is also considered a user of the service, regardless of whether or not they record their time.